Demonstration Software for the HHVID-3
The PC demonstration software allows you to connect to a HHVID-3 and demonstrate all of it's features while showing you the commands that are sent back and forth between the two devices, so a HHVID-3 is required to use this software. This makes it easier to understand the command flow and what is required out of each feature/function. This software is free to our users and may be downloaded at the link below. |
To use the demonstration software, first tell it the address of the HHVID-3 by choosing the SETUP tab on the menu at the top of the screen. In the image below we used the IP address (always keep the port address at 10001). For information on how to setup the HHVID-3, see the user manual. |
Choose the ORDER DEMO tab to send orders and view the commands. In the example below we are sending the commands as comma delimited strings, you can optionally send commands as XML. In the commands sent to the KVS window below, you can see all of the commands sent to start the order, send items and close the order. |
To see how to send charts choose the DASHBOARD CHARTING tab. The XML to send will be shown in the top window, while the actual command strings sent can be viewed in the lower screen. You can choose to send a top half graph or bottom half graph. See the HHVID-3 users manual for more information on charting. |